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Package ID and Package Name

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The bundle ID is the unique identifier of your application. Bundle ID is the term used for iOS applications. For Android apps this is called “Package name”

When you create an application, a package ID/Package name is automatically generated. In the Editor>Publication Tab General Information Area, as in the example image below,

You can see WebApp Connection, Application ID, Application name, Package ID, Package name.

“Unique identifier” means that no two apps have the same bundle ID (for Apple Store) or Bundle name (for Google Play store) in stores.

You can change the names of the Bundle ID (com.yourdomain.apps.ios.appname) and Bundle name (com.yourdomain.apps.ios.appname) for the entire platform in Editor->Publication -> “General Information” tab:

Important Notice: It does not change the Package Name/Package ID of previously built applications. After publishing your application on Google Play Store or Apple App Store, do not change the Package Name (Android) or Package ID (IOS). Otherwise, you cannot update your app in the store. You will need to rebuild your app in stores.

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